The Virgin Family // Utah Family Photographer

First things first, yes their last name is Virgin and YES they are ADORABLE!! I seriously love love LOVE this family! I knew Carl & Alisa from back in our college days! Alisa and I were roommates our freshmen year in college and it was total not planned by us, but certainly by the Lord. Alisa and I instantly became best friends and she became an example to me. I am not sure if i’ve ever told her but she has contributed so much to my faith in Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. We both attended a Christian college in Idaho and I remember seeing Alisa every night, religiously reading her scriptures. Before that time I really hadn’t put much thought into reading daily. Not that I didn’t want to, I just really didn’t understand the power behind it and the importance. I wasn’t really taught to do so in a manner that cause me to change my behavior. Because of her example I have never missed a day to read scriptures. There are days where maybe I didn’t read as much as I wanted, but I did read. Due to her example my relationship has become SOOO much better with my Father in Heaven. Now Alisa is an example of a great mother. She truly loves being a mom and she loves her little man Everest. The same goes for Carl only in the perspective of a father. 

Everest is very lucky to have such special parents who trust fully in their Savior and their love for one another. I am so glad they asked me to take their pictures because not only did it give me the opportunity to visit with them on their trip to Utah, but to capture this family!

Speaking of capturing this family perfectly, you have to see Everest. He is seriously the funniest kid and for some reason he thought I was the funniest person that night. It seriously made my night! Typically I make this chewbacca noise to get kids to look at me. Well Everest not only looked at me but he would laugh hysterically! It was the funniest thing. Oh Everest how you warm my heart. I can see how your parents can love you so dearly! 

BUT, enough of my blabber, heaven knows I can do on forever! :) ENJOY!