The Rothe Family // Utah Family Photographer

I love this family and am so so happy to be able to capture the Rothe family in this AMAZING location. Sundance is one of my favorite places to photograph people in because of the gorgeous Utah Mountains. Utah truly is beaUTAHful. ;) The Rothe family live in my neighborhood and I teach their children in Primary. I am the Primary Chorister in my ward (congregation). For those wondering what a Primary Chorister, essentially it's singing time for children during Sunday school. It's such a great time to learn about Christ and have fun. Brooklyn and Tommy are always super cute during the time I teach. Brooklyn is super smart and knows her stuff and Tommy just loves to help out in anyway he can. They are such sweet kids. 

As you look at these pictures you will notice a blue ballon. I loved that Lindsay incorporated this ballon. This ballon is a symbol of their still born baby that they had lost around 20 weeks gestational. I cannot even fathom the heartache and Lindsay and Mike are so faithful. They know they will see their little boy again one day. Mike and Lindsay truly have great strength and a strong testimony of our Savior. They truly are amazing. Such a great way to remember their perfect little boy.