The Kendall Family // Utah Family Photographer

This is one of my FAVORITE locations!!! Like I seriously can shoot here every. Single. Day. And I wouldn’t be sad about it. I love the lush green and the sun peeking in. If you’ve followed me on social media or I’ve shot your family before I am always looking for light. I LOVE LIGHT SO MUCH!!! And the light at this location is always perfection and NEVER disappoints. Plus most of my sessions in 2018 were here. I also love it because Utah lake is nearby. Word to the wise, Utah Lake is ugly in real life but is SUPER photogenic. Like GAH it’s gorgeous! I love this lake. And lastly another reason why I love this place so much is because it’s exactly 1 mile from my house! Yup just one mile. It’s so easy for me to do sessions here. With all my heart I love this location.

Ashley is a beauty guru. Like think beauty and she does it. And not only does she do it BUT she does it well!! She is so talented and SUPER beautiful as well. I mean take a look for yourself, she’s adorable. In fact, as I’m thinking about it maybe I need to schedule something with her because she’s just fabulous times a thousand. She is just adorable.

Speaking of adorable let’s talk about her kids. I just want to bottle them up. They are SO STINKING cute together! Like I pray Thomas and Kate will be like that one day. I posted a lot of their sibling photos because I LOVE them so much. 10 years from now, they may be embarrassed BUT it’s just to die for. I love sibling love and I LOVED photographing this amazingly gorgeous family!