The Bills Family // Utah Family Photographer

Do you like the title of this blog post? The Bills Family? If you haven't noticed my last name is Bills. ;) No this isn't my family, BUT can be easily mistaken for. In fact it has certainly caused many people to do a double take. This is my husbands brothers family, Nathan and Naomi. I love them! They have a little boy that's just a few weeks younger than Thomas (Our little boy). It's so fun to have a cousin so close in age. Too bad they live to far away. :( 

Nathan and Naomi came into town for Christmas and her and I decided we would trade taking pictures of our families. You see, Naomi is also a photographer, and she is excellent! It was kind of an interested session to say the least. Between two babies it was kind of hard to get a full session in, but you really only need one good pictures anyways right? A pictures to put as your fb pictures and that image can also be printed. It was seriously such a fun time and our boys did pretty good. 

It was so easy to take their pictures because 1. they had perfect outfits and 2. they are an adorable family! I know you think I might be biased, but I am not. I mean, as you look through these images you will see for yourself. And I will let you do just that, right now. Go ahead an take a look and enjoy!