Sanders Family // Fresh 48

Fresh 48 sessions are sessions that I LOVE doing but for some reason I don’t get that much of an opportunity to do. I’m not sure why, but I wish that I did! They are so beautiful and full of perfection. I loved being able to photograph the Sanders family and baby Romey. I’m not sure what I loved more, photographing the cute little girls or Brittany and her interaction with Romey. It was just my favorite all around. The two older girls just love little Romey and now that it has been some time, I bet they’ve adjust so well to her. Cambrie, their oldest was the sweetest big sister. She would hold Romey so tenderly and with great care, I loved it. Cambrie also was so good to Presley too. You can tell that Cambrie was meant to be a big sister. It’s the perfect job for such a sweet sensitive little girl.

Now let’s talk about Presley. That girl is full of spunk, sassy and adorableness (is that a word?). My abiding memory of her was we would tell her to do the opposite of what we wanted to do. Like for example Presley do not kiss the baby, please don’t kiss the baby. Then with great mischief on her face she’d sneak over to the baby and give her a great big kiss!! It was so stinking cute!!! Oh girl if only you knew how easy it was for us to play you. It was adorable. And she was just super adorable!!!!

This family was the perfect family for a fresh 48 session! I Loved it so much!