Olivia & Kennedy // Utah Family Photographer
These twiner cuties turn 1 in a few weeks and they have hit the blog! It was so fun to take their pictures, especially because they are SO smilie, happy and ADORABLE! I mean look at these pictures!
When Steven and I first found out we were pregnant I was secretly hoping that we would have twins. I know I am totally a crazy lady for wishing such things, but for those who don't know, I am a twin. One of the greatest blessings in my life was growing up with an instant pal, play mat and best friend. We have always has this connection that cannot be explained or understood by anyone who aren't in a similar circumstance. It would just be a fun thing, but also a VERY difficult experience I am sure. Maybe our next pregnancy. ;) Just kidding.
But back to these cute girls. I think I can tell which one is which in these images. Not because I know what they look like, but because of their head bands. I am not sure if Breanna (their mom) did that on purpose for me, but the little girl with the band straight up is Olivia and Kennedy at the flower slightly off to the right. So as you take a look at these images, keep that in mind. Maybe you will find an actually physical difference as you look at the pictures. Good luck on that! :D