Luis & Kristalyn // Bountiful Utah Wedding

Today is Luis & Kristalyn’s Bountiful wedding and that means I get to post their GORGEOUS bridals!!!! YAY!! I am seriously doing a happy dance and I might not have slept as well last night knowing I get to post these in the morning. First off I want to say Kristalyn and her mom have such great faith! The weather man said all week that it was going to be UGLY for the bridal session. Like rain, thunder and storms. But with their faith, it ended up being perfect. In fact we scheduled them for 6:30 but Kristalyn called me and said, can we start at 3:00 instead, just in case in rains. That was totally intuition right there. If we had started at 6:30 there would have been no way the session would have happened. It was perfect timing for all of us. I am seriously so glad she called me. Another thing, Kristalyn is a serious trooper. While most girls would instantly stop at the site of rain, she totally went with it! I was so thrilled over that, because I really wanted to capture their beautiful love! If you look closely on some of the images you will see rain in the background or on Luis’ jacket. They are such troopers and it paid off. I mean look at how stunning these two are, and perfect as well.

These two are a match made in heaven and absolutely perfect for one another. I am seriously so impressed by the maturity of their relationship and their deep care for each other. The way they look at each other is of enduring love. Kristalyn is gorgeous inside and out and has a gorgeous smile. Luis has this suave look to him. Both have this intuitive instinct that puts you at ease. They know how to make people feel comfortable and loved. I seriously cannot express to you their kind hearts and souls. 

Kristalyn's dress is from Elizabeth Cooper Design, which again is one of my favorites. Her trunk shows seem so fun! Her dresses are affordable and gorgeous!

I was so thrilled they asked me to be their photographer and I can’t wait to post their wedding day photo’s next week! Keep a look out!