Durfee Family // Utah Lifestyle Photographer

Another gorgeous family lifestyle session has hit the blog and you are going to love the Durfee Family! They are a family of 7 with the cutest kids you could ever see. Payton the oldest, is seriously the best little girl ever. She is helpful, smart and funny. She really is quite impressive and I hope that my oldest will be just as wonderful as her. Even though Thomas is a boy, I would love for him to take on the maturity when we have other children. 

We started in the kitchen and we made delicious cookies. The best part of making cookies was the flour explosion that happened. It was a complete accident, but it was an awesome one! I got one picture of it. You can see it below. I also got it on video! How rad is that. Their video was super cute and fun. Then we took each kid to their rooms. They played with their toys and it was neat to see them in their element. Then we ended with reading books. That's always my favorite. 

I hope you enjoy this!