6 months Twin Boys // Utah Family Photographer
These two little boys have a way to my heart! I love Henry and Peter so much! I remember when Aubrey was pregnant and I was so in love with their oldest, Hayden. I kept telling Steven, my husband, there is just no way I could love these boys as much as I love Hayden. There's just no room in my heart. Plus Hayden was the first grandkid, so he is so special. When they were born and we visited the next day, I instantly fell in love with them. I had more room in my heart!! I even took a few pictures. They were the cutest newborns I had EVER seen! (my SIL took some fabulous newborns of them) Plus like them, I am also a twin! They are so lucky to have each other and twin is one of the best gifts God has ever given to me.
Now I want to tell you a little more about these boys, from the perspective of an aunt. Which means, it's not accurate, but it's my observations. Henry, which is the little boy on the left of these twin images. He is so sweet. He is the BEST as smiling but he also can go the other extreme, pretty quickly. It's so easy to make him laugh. He is also seems more adventurous. Which could be a good thing and a bad thing. He truly is a little cutie.
Peter, who is equally cute and lovable is more even tempered, which makes babysitting so easy! He certainly smile and oh boy does he have a smile that makes your heart melt, but I he doesn't really cry too much. He is not as adventurous and seems a little more stiff. But he has this awesome orange hair that is THE MOST ADORABLE thing! I am a sucker for red hair! I hope it stays!!! It's so cute! Also, we think we is teething right now. Poor guy. Normally he is a smiler, but given the situation, he wasn't as happy.
These little boys are some of my favorite little people. They have brought a lot of joy in my life, which is SO crazy because they aren't even mine. I know they have brought great joy in others lives as well. I can seem them being great men as they grow up. And must of that will be due to an amazing father and mother.
Brian & Aubrey are the best parents that i've ever seen, and their love for their children is evident. I always joke with Aubrey and say, maybe you should raise our children until they are like 4 and then we can take them over afterwards. We obviously wouldn't do that, but they are such great parent's that we know they would be the very best and maybe even better parents then us. I am thankful for their example and the opportunity I have to learn from them. It will be a great help when Steven and I decide to embark on that portion of our life.
Thank you Brian & Aubrey for being such amazing examples and we are even more thankful y'all live so close so we can see that example and be great friends!
This is my favorite picture!!!! I love LOVE that they are holding hands. Talk about a total heart melt! LOVE these guys!!! I just want to kiss kiss kiss them ALL. DAY. LONG!!!!!
My man Henry!
Peter, Pete Pete!