Rose Family // Utah Family Photographer

Adam & Alicia are such great people! They are great parents to their little girl Emma! Emma is seriously such a doll and like very other little kid, loves fruit snacks. In fact that was one of the keys to her happiness during this shoot and it was seriously adorable!! Not only where her fruit snacks and great source of entertainment, but so were her parents. Emma just lights up when her parents interact with her, she truly does love them. 

Funny story about this family. I had never met them before, until the photo session. Some how we got on the subject of LDS mission's. Both Adam & Alicia served missions, which is AWESOME!! What's even more awesome is Adam served in Washington, where I am from! Not only that but he served in the same ward (congregation) as my family! Oh and it gets even better. He came over to my house often and he taught my little sister and step dad about the church. HOW COOL IS THAT!!!! I am so grateful for missionaries like him who have taught my family about the Church of Jesus Chris of Latter-Day Saints. It means so much to me, and I am certainly grateful!

Back to the session, it was beautiful. The family was beautiful and the weather was perfect. I hope you enjoy.

Thank you Alicia for contacting me and asking me to take these pictures for you. They turned out so well because of how precious and cute your family is!