The Bills Family // Twin Boys!
I can not tell you enough how in LOVE I am with these two little boys! Last night I was talking to my husband and I couldn't help but be such a proud auntie. I remember when we knew the babies were coming I thought, I love Hayden (the oldest nephew) so much that I can't possible love these two new guys as much as him. I am instantly in love and so smitten by these two. My heart is full of love, love that so instantaneously came! I love them so much! I can't image how Aubrey and Brian are feeling right now, if I am feeling this much love for those little guys!
Hayden just absolutely loves his little brothers. He kept saying "Baby Brothers" and "My Baby". It was seriously the cutest thing I have seen! Hayden just melts my heart! Love that little guy and love those twins just as much.
Oh and did I mention that I am a twin to an awesome sister?? I feel that these little boys have an even more special place in my heart because they are twins. These boys have an instant and constant friend. They are so lucky to have twins. I LOVE being a twin! The best thing EVER! Besides being married to the man of my dreams! :)
Congrats Brian and Aubrey! I am just so happy for the two of you and I was so tickled to be ale to capture this precious moment of Hayden meeting his new brothers.